Thursday, August 22, 2013

I Challenge You to a Sunshine Explosion!

All of us have done this at one point in time: you walk up to your closet look at all the clothes inside, sigh and say "I have nothing to wear!" Since this statement is obviously untrue I have invented a challenge to help get those creative juices churning. Ok, here it is: for the next 30 days we are going to try and wear a different outfit or variation of an outfit every day. Use what you have, don't go buy a whole new wardrobe for this challenge. Be creative, use lots of color, and fun accessories. Don't forget the best accessory is your smile. The challenge begins September 1st so mark your calendars! I will try to post my outfit and inspiration every day to help with ideas. And remember I'm not a professional so i will try to post on the fashion flop days too. Lets make our outfits explode with sunshine and see if we can make life brighter. :)