Monday, April 28, 2014

Finally Spring!

So after a grueling winter of 70 degrees one day and
 28 degrees the next, I finally made it to spring! 
This is my favorite time of year, warm but not yet suffocating. :P
Hardly anything I wore this winter was worth posting.

A little glimpse at what I wore all winter...scary right?
Winter is definitely not my best dressed season!

I've been sewing alot this winter and thought y'all might like to see some of the stuff I've made.

This is a skirt used to be pants,
 but the pants didn't fit me cuz they were too big.
Sadly I learned that turning them into
a skirt made it bigger. :(

I add a ruffle for freer movement.

This is a picture of my pants
 before I chopped them up.
 (back when they fit me)

So now you know what I did this winter! Hey, how did you dress this past winter?
Send me a picture and I just might post it:
Working on an Elsa dress to be posted soon!