Friday, September 27, 2013

What? Did you just say day 27?!

 Day 27:
Ok my peeps, I know its been awhile so here is 
one my outfits.This is a rather wacky shirt it has 
letters and zigzags all over it. The red pants 
technically don't match since there is no red in the
 shirt, but hey, you really can't tell. 
Can you believe this challenge is almost over? 
I said almost not yet so keep going!

Special Attention!
This my friend Cody. He is always dressing spiffy 
so I asked if I could put him on my blog.
He is wearing a purple shirt and striped tie.
On the bottom he has black
 pants and combat boots. I think the light brown
 belt and gold buckle, contrast really nicely.


Extra Special Attention!
These are my fashion savvy parents.
I have finally managed to get them on my blog.
My parents encouraged me to do this blog,
to show others that it is possible to be modest,
fashionable and have fun all at the same time.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when 
he is old, he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)


  1. Wow! Your parents really are sharp! ...and I see where you get your good looks from too! Great looking couple! (Hey Cati, will anyone be able to tell that I wrote this? )
