Monday, September 2, 2013

Yeah! Day 2!

 Day 2:
I am wearing a long shirt with blue and purple flowers on it.
My pants are teal and even though they don't match you can't tell. 
These are my favorite shoes!
I did a little more accessorizing today. I picked an assortment of bracelets.  
Here's my dangling earrings, white shell necklace and ring.
(The necklace makes me look tanner! hehe) 
I had a lot of fun doing this outfit...ok, maybe too much fun.!)


  1. Hi, Cati! On our way to Six Flags today, Rachel told me about your blog, so, thanks to her, I have become a follower of you!!! Looks fun!!! :D

    That video of you and Carleigh was so funny. I keep watching it over and over! You two are so sweet. Hope to somehow meet you girls soon!

    1. Thx Mary-Elizabeth! I'm glad you enjoyed it! You spelled my name right! You are awesome! Hope to meet you too some day!

  2. Haha, yeah, believe me, I probably would have gotten it wrong unless Rachel told me! Hehe. I'm up to the "Cati's Crazy Clothes Challenge!" :)
